Flox + Novops: development packages, secrets and multi-environment management all-in-one !

Setting up development environment often turns into a developer horror story. Bring secrets, environment variables, authentication and consistency between each developer's machines and CI pipelines and it becomes a nightmare. Thankfully, modern tools like Novops and Flox can help streamline most of this boilerplate.

Flox: reproducible and shareable development environment

Flox automates creation of development environment with all required dependencies. Developers can quickly get started on a project without having to install a bunch of tools - and it ensures everyone's on the same page !

Suppose you're working on this NodeJS project, with a bit of Python on the side and a few other packages. Sure you have npm to install Node dependencies, but what about Node itself and other non-Node packages ?

Using Flox you can define all of your dependencies via a manifest.toml such as:

# Core project dependencies
# Node and Python deps can be installed using their respective package managers
nodejs.pkg-path = "nodejs"
python3.pkg-path = "python3"

# A few more tools useful for development
just.pkg-path = "just"                      # Task runner
jq.pkg-path = "jq"                          # JSON processor
podman.pkg-path = "podman"                  # Container engine for local development with containers
podman-compose.pkg-path = "podman-compose"  # 

Running our development environment is a breeze:

$ flox activate
✅ You are now using the environment 'super-app'.
To stop using this environment, type 'exit'

flox [super-app] $ node --version
flox [super-app] $ python --version
Python 3.10.9
flox [super-app] $ just --version
just 1.9.0
# ...

In short, Flox is a universal virtual environment manager working with any technology out of the box. You can combine it with language-specific package manager like Node's npm and package.json or Python pip.

We could go further and automatically run npm install on startup by adding a hook in our manifest.toml:

on-activate = """
    npm install

But what about things like secrets, environment variables and managing multiple environments (Staging, Preprod, Prod...) ?

Novops: universal secret and configuration manager

Novops is a universal secret and configuration manager for development, applications and CI. It can load secrets from various sources (Hashicorp Vault, AWS / Azure / GCP Secret Manager, password managers like BitWarden...) - and also manage multi-environments contexts.

Considering our NodeJS application, let's say we need to provide easy access to our developer to a development and staging environment deployed on AWS with secrets stored in Hashicorp Vault. Setting up required config is generally cumbersome: installing required tools (AWS, Kubernetes and Vault CLI), logging-in, escalating to related IAM Roles, etc. - all of that by switching between environments. A Developer Hell 😨

With Novops, all of this becomes easy. We can create a .novops.yml such as:

# .novops.yml content

  # Dev environment configs
  # Environment variables and secrets
      # Plain variables specific to our environment

      # Name of current environment
        value: dev

      # AWS region to use
      - name: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
        value: eu-central-1

      # Fetch and generate secrets from Hashicorp Vault

      # Database password in Hashicorp Vault
      # Fetch value "password" from secret "superapp/dev/database"
      # And save it as environment variable SUPER_APP_DB_PASSWORD
            path: superapp/dev/database
            key: password
      - name: SUPER_APP_DB_USER
            path: superapp/dev/database
            key: user

    # Load secret files directly in memory
      - variable: SUPER_APP_TOKEN
            path:  superapp/dev/api
            key: token

    # Generate AWS credentials (impersonate an IAM role "dev_role")
    # Will set 3 AWS built-in environment variables:
        name: dev_role
        role_arn: arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/dev_role

  # Staging environment config
    # [...]

# Setup Vault address to use globally
    address: https://vault.supercompany.org:8200

On load Novops will:

  • Fetch database user/password from Vault and set SUPER_APP_DB_PASSWORD and SUPER_APP_DB_USER environment variables
  • Generate temporary AWS credentials using Vault AWS Secret Engine
  • Setup a few environment variables specific to our environment

Run source <(novops load) to load environment. All secrets are stored securely in memory and discarded when the session ends:

$ source <(novops load)
? Select environment
❯ dev


$ aws sts get-caller-identity
    "UserId": "AROAEXAMPLEID123:xxx",
    "Account": "111122223333",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::111122223333:assumed-role/dev_role/xxx"

$ exit # Secret environment variables are discarded as they were stored in shell's session
# <nothing>
$ aws sts get-caller-identity
# <not logged in>

Novops and Flox: greater together !

Putting both Flox and Novops together, we can use the above .novops.yml with a Flox hook to automatically setup our environment:

# manifest.toml content
# [...] Other app packages
# Add our packages
awscli2.pkg-path = "awscli2" # AWS CLI
kubectl.pkg-path = "kubectl" # Kubernetes CLI
vault.pkg-path = "vault"     # Hashicorp Vault CLI
# Alternatively, run:
#     flox install awscli2 kubectl vault

# Setup hook to login to Vault and 
# load Novops automatically on startup
on-activate = """
    # [ ... ]

    # Let user login to vault via web UI.
    # Will set environment variable VAULT_TOKEN
    # used by Novops to authenticate with Vault.
    # Novops can also authenticate with Vault directly
    # See https://novops.dev/config/hashicorp-vault.html
    export VAULT_TOKEN=$(vault login -method=oidc -path=oidc -token-only role="default" 2> /dev/null)

    # Load secrets and variables with Novops
    source <(novops load)

    echo "Environment $SUPER_APP_ENVIRONMENT ready!"

Let's run it!

$ flox activate
# ✅ You are now using the environment 'flox-novops-demo'.
# To stop using this environment, type 'exit'
# ? Select environment
# ❯ dev
#   staging

# Environment dev ready!

flox [super-app] $ echo $SUPER_APP_DB_PASSWORD
# Super!p3sSw0rd

flox [super-app] $ aws sts get-caller-identity
# {
#     "UserId": "AROAEXAMPLEID123:xxx",
#     "Account": "111122223333",
#     "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::111122223333:assumed-role/dev_role/xxx"
# }

flox [super-app] $ exit

# <nothing>
$ aws sts get-caller-identity
# <not logged in>

Consistency between developers' environments, CI pipelines and automated scripts

Using Flox and Novops, we can now ensure consistency between developer's environments: Flox uses a .lock file and is backed by Nix, a powerful package manager, ensuring that all sessions use the exact same versions of our packages.

Even better: we can integrate all of this into our CI pipelines and automated scripts! Simply configure your CI pipeline to run commands such as:

flox activate -- echo 'Running my command with $SUPER_APP_ENVIRONMENT'

Passing -- [COMMAND] to flox activate will start the environment and run a one-off command, allowing usage in scripts and CI pipelines.

Transform development environment setup into a painless experience

Using both Novops and Flox allow for seamless development, putting all together packages, environment variables, secrets and multi-environment management. To get started install Flox and Novops:

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