Flox + Novops: development packages, secrets and multi-environment management all-in-one !

Flox + Novops: development packages, secrets and multi-environment management all-in-one !

Setting up development environment often turns into a developer horror story. Bring secrets, environment variables, authentication and consistency between each developer’s machines and CI pipelines and it becomes a nightmare. Thankfully, modern tools like Novops and Flox can help streamline most of this boilerplate. Flox: reproducible and shareable development environment Flox automates creation of development…

Flox: better alternative to Dev Containers

Flox: better alternative to Dev Containers

On paper, Dev Containers are great to define and share development environments easily. Actually using them is not that great: lack of reproducibility, integrating host files in containers, difference in implementations between various tools… While Dev Containers do provide value for dev environment automation, on usage I thought "There’s probably a better way to automate…

Destroy every resources from your AWS accounts with aws-nuke

Destroy every resources from your AWS accounts with aws-nuke

Destroy every resources from your AWS accounts with aws-nuke You probably heard – or lived yourself – the story of this surprisingly high AWS bill because you forgot to turn off your development environment. Here comes aws-nuke ! It’s not only useful for dev/sandox resources, but can also help reduce your AWS costs and test…

Traefik High Availability on Kubernetes with Let’s Encrypt, Cert Manager and AWS Route53

Traefik High Availability on Kubernetes with Let’s Encrypt, Cert Manager and AWS Route53

When deploying Traefik with Let’s Encrypt on Kubernetes, need quickly arise for High Availability (HA). It requires multiple instances of Traefik to run in parallel, but prevents the use of Traefik’s built-in Let’s Encrypt features: it is not possible to run multiple instances of Traefik 2.0 with Let’s Encrypt enabled, because there is no way…